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Costs of Homebuying

Costs of Homebuying


Here are five hidden costs of buying a house that you may not have considered.

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Buying Holiday Gifts Online? Follow These Safety Tips.

Buying Holiday Gifts Online? Follow These Safety Tips.


If you're planning to do your holiday shopping online this year, follow these online shopping safety tips to help reduce the risk of credit card fraud and identity theft.

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5 Smart-Money Moves to Better Prepare You for Retirement

5 Smart-Money Moves to Better Prepare You for Retirement


Here are some important financial moves to make before you retire to ensure that you have enough money to live (and enjoy) life.

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The Most Costly Financial Mistakes

The Most Costly Financial Mistakes


When it comes to your finances, it’s not always enough to do the right thing. Avoiding the wrong thing can be just as critical.

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Fall Home Projects & How to Pay for Them

Fall Home Projects & How to Pay for Them


From the easy and inexpensive, to the complex and costly, we’ll cover some projects you can do this fall to give your house a facelift and make it feel more like home.

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